Prince & Princess Le Roux are the current rulers of the Sovereign House of Le Roux dynasty that changed in September 2018. The rulership includes Royal duties by Prince Allan Le Roux (as Prince Allan V) and Princess of the Principality of Bellaprima that was granted by a Royal Privilege in March 1710 by Philip V of Sicily. Prince and Princess Le Roux are also the Baron & Baroness of Renda in Northern Italy that dates back to 1262 with King Constance II of Sicily. Prince and Princess Le Roux are also the Baron and Baroness of Aldington in England that dates back to 871 with the creation of the English Monarchy with Alfred the Great.
As (The Rte. Hon) Lord & Lady Le Roux (Baron and Baroness), they were appointed as Headship of the European Aristocracies of the House of Le Roux dynasty in May 2017.
Prince Allan Le Roux or widely known as Dr Allan Le Roux took over the headship of the worldwide business operations of the House of Le Roux dynasty in 2013.
He is no stranger to the boardroom and serves as a director of various companies, always very focused on personal development and made his first million at the age of 26.
Dr Le Roux is currently serving as a director and/or Chief Executive Chairman of various multinational corporations. He has extensive experience in international senior executive management, legal matters with cross-border litigation, international financial matters including the financial sector and operational matters. He has also designed various investment strategies for the family dynasty. His principles are based on integrity, trust, honesty, accountability and compliance.
Princess Le Roux or known in her own right as Baroness, was the CEO of various companies forming part of the Sovereign House of Le Roux dynasty and has managed these portfolios for many years. During 2010 and 2011 the Baroness started to step back from all the high demand management portfolios to focus on the various charities sponsored by the Le Roux family.
Baroness is currently involved in various charities sponsored by the Le Roux family and has the important task of managing the demand and social requirements of family foundations with her Royal duties.
Prince and Princess Le Roux are happily married, very devoted to family and lead very private lives.
We can only understand and plan our future and the purpose of our future if we understand our history and the influences that have placed us where we are today.
We are ancient spiritual beings on earth having a temporary human experience and if we believe in the Most-High as the creator of all things, each human being has a purpose of creation. Decisions, influences and actions made by our parents and forefathers can and will alter our destiny, and it is therefore of the utmost importance to understand our history before embracing our purpose of creation and plan our future. Planning our future is an understanding of our history and purpose, knowing the one will always influence the other.
We recognize that our decisions and choices of today, affect our future tomorrow and we will face the decisions we make today and the consequences of those decisions being good or bad, sometime in the future.
Our activities and influences extend far beyond the boundaries of our own environment and so does our responsibility to one another. Considering the needs and interests of those affected by our choices, activities and influences.
Having the understanding that the world was created for a specific purpose and operates under the mandate of those who were given the authority to make those decisions and how these decisions will affect our future. Having a culture that generates trust and honesty that values the inputs of all those that contributed, ultimately will create security.
Knowing the economies of the world are connected, so are the people and their decisions, consequences which could make us all defenceless. We can only prepare ourselves for the known and pray we survive the unknown. World economies and communities rely on each other for survival and future stability, but each decision starts with each household. The stability in each household brings stability in communities, provinces, countries and ultimately, the world.
Recognizing the responsibility to preserve the environment for our future generations, we address both environmental and social issues when taking steps to improve the environmental footprint throughout the world.
Assuming this broad spectrum of responsibility in society and the understanding of the needs and principles, we engage all interested parties, governments, non-governmental organizations, regulators and executive bodies in joining us in these challenges humanity is currently facing.
Prince Allan Le Roux or widely known as Dr Allan Le Roux took over the headship of the worldwide business operations of the House of Le Roux dynasty in 2013. He is no stranger to the boardroom and started to serve as a director on various companies at a very young age. He was always very focused on personal development and made his first million at the age of 26. He has extensive experience in international senior executive management, legal with cross-border litigation matters, international financial matters including the financial sector and operational matters. He has also designed various investment strategies for the family group. His principles are based on integrity, trust, honesty, accountability and compliance.
Prince Allan Le Roux (Prince Allan V) was appointed as Ruler of the Sovereign House of Le Roux in September 2018 and Headship of the European Aristocracies of the House of Le Roux dynasty in May 2017. Dr Allan Le Roux was appointed as headship of business operations worldwide in 2013. Dr Le Roux holds a doctorate (Cum Laude) in Business Administration (DBA) and did his thesis in international organizational restructuring for wealth protection with financial and tax benefits. Dr Le Roux also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Cum Laude) and four Bachelor of Science Engineering (Cum Laude) degrees.
Allan grew up with his mother in a small town in complete isolation where he attended school. He was always isolated from exposure to public life. Allan's father attended to family requirements and died in 1983. After school Allan completed his compulsory military national service and started his studies and work experience abroad. He was always focused on personal development and made his first million at the age of 26. Focusing on his business career Allan received extensive training to prepare him for the current task at hand.